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We support permanent affordable housing for extremely low income residents.  In a mixed income 100% affordable housing proposal, 50% of the units should be planned for extremely low income residents, including low-wage workers, immigrant families and seniors. The development shall be community owned.


We support a Community cultural center dedicated to cultural, social, educational, and artistic activities of interest and need for Chinatown and surrounding communities, as well as a broad range of Los Angeles residents.  Emphasis will be on preserving and promoting Chinatown’s historical and cultural heritage and significance. The purpose and activities of this cultural center are intended to bridge differences and mutual interests by promoting ethnic diversity and inclusiveness of the community.


We support independent, neighborhood markets with ethnically, culturally appropriate and affordable fresh produce and grocery items.


We support increased access to health and human services programs and resources that provide benefits to the residents at these future housing sites and the greater Chinatown community. 


We support retail and office units to be prioritized for small businesses and community organizations serving the Chinatown community.